What we do

Founded in 1952, the Berlioz Society exists to promote awareness of the music, writings and life of the great French composer Hector Berlioz.

The Society's President is David Cairns, author of the definitive two-volume life of Berlioz. Dr Diana Bickley, editor of the new Berlioz Edition volume on the Overtures, is Chairman. 

Its membership is international and includes many leading Berlioz scholars, such as Professor Hugh Macdonald, Editor-in-Chief of the Bärenreiter New Berlioz Edition (gathering all Berlioz's work newly edited), and Professor Julian Rushton, editor of the new Cambridge University Press Berlioz Encyclopedia.

Our activities include at least two meetings a year in London. We also organise or inform members of visits to places associated with Berlioz, events and performances of his works.

The main event of each year is a themed study day—usually in November. This includes experts talking on subjects such as Berlioz's work and personality, the time and society in which he lived and the attitudes of his contemporaries—as well as recorded performances of his work. The other event is a very popular summer meeting at the home of one of our members, with talks and music accompanied by an excellent lunch.

We publish articles on Berlioz’s life and work, and reviews of recordings and performances, in the Society’s “Bulletin”, which normally appears three times a year. We also provide information sheets concerning upcoming events organized by the Society or associated organizations, including the Festival at La Côte-Saint-André.

If you have any questions, please email us.

Membership Secretary: Peter Payne

Secretary and Website Manager: Simon Jones

Media Manager and Publicity: Christopher Follett

Bulletin Editor: Julian Rushton


The Society has been a Registered Charity since 2008. The Constitution is available below.


The Guide (link below) is a Word document.


The Society, as a Registered Charity, is required to hold Annual General Meetings. Please click on the links below to see the minutes of these meetings.


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